Monday, 10 February 2020

U12s Stockport vs Boardman and Eccles

Spring Promise at the hillside of Monton Carlo.

An enjoyable day trip out to the Eccles Riviera this sunny February morning, which may well be the calm before the storm this weekend as a storm Ciara is predicted by the met office.
Just so long as we can all get home from the games first. A number of players down this week including regulars Ethan, Archie and Leo.

Q1. Well Boardman and Eccles started fairly strongly playing downhill with most of the possession from the face off until eventually Stockport picked up the ball after a save from Josh and then with a few good passes and finally an assist from Tom, Dan Teal scored a great low to high. Boardman and Eccles were soon to equalise though with their strong #45 player running through to the crease. 

Q2. A goal from Finn and one from Henry by the end of the second quarter it was 3 goals each and game still looked like it could go either way, but with the sunshine straight into the Stockport keepers face this quarter Josh conceded what looked like two fairly easy goals for Boardman and Eccles with hardly an attempt to save them. I even checked his kit bag for his mince pies.

Q3 .Despite all of Stockports great efforts in getting the ball up the pitch to the Boardman and Eccles end, it looked like we couldn’t score even if they had had football nets, with some of the spectators having to relocate well away from the end of the pitch Stockport wasted good chances in front of goal. Boardman and Eccles managed four goals this quarter from their main players again with no reply from Stockport which practically won them the game really by the end of Q3. Their shooting was on target and the Stockport team either shot wide or straight at the keeper, who needed picking up with some care and attention on a couple of occasions with Dan Teals rocket shots.

Q4. Henry and Finn scored another goal each but it just wasn’t  to be our day this weekend as Boardman and Eccles scored another three goals 
A lot of chit chat going on in the Stockport defence especially on one occasion where they didn’t actually notice the ball had landed right next to them for about five seconds, until it was too late and was quickly contested, it was commented that "someone's  dog could of run off with the ball there and I'm not sure they would of noticed!" from a Boardman and Eccles spectator, a mixture of frustrating and comedy at the time.

Goal Scorers Henry 2 Finn 2 Dan Teal 1.

Final Score Stockport 5 Boardman and Eccles 10.

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